Membership Is Easy!
Fill out the application below for membership. Dues are $30.00 per year, per Jeep. Membership is good for one year from June 1 to May 31. Dues are not prorated.
All members receive an NWA badge for their Jeep and a wristband for exclusive member-only discounts. Member shirts, hats, flags, and other swag are sold separately.
All members receive an NWA badge for their Jeep and a wristband for exclusive member-only discounts. Member shirts, hats, flags, and other swag are sold separately.
Northshore Wrangler Association By-Laws
This club was created by Mike and Jessica Cangelosi in 2019. Northshore Wrangler Association, NWA for short, was created as an outlet for those who love Jeeps and our community.
The motto of NWA is we love our Lord, our families, our Country, and.....of course, our Jeeps. We provide ample opportunities for our members to participate in a variety of events and activities. The club goes on offroad adventures, attends block parties, has special cruises, club rides, dine-out experiences, and meet-n-greets. Whether you want to Rock Crawl, Mall Crawl, or just cruise around on our Facebook page All Jeeples are welcome!!
These bylaws are amended by a majority vote of the leadership team. New Amendments will be published on the Facebook page.
In the event of a legal dispute between any member and NWA, all parties consent to mediation or binding arbitration. The mediation or arbitration will be held in the Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana. All issues shall be governed by the laws of the State of Louisiana.
- The name of the organization is Northshore Wrangler Association, LLC. CHARTER NUMBER 43487716
- Website: https://www.northshorewrangler.com/
- Logo: NWA Logo
This club was created by Mike and Jessica Cangelosi in 2019. Northshore Wrangler Association, NWA for short, was created as an outlet for those who love Jeeps and our community.
The motto of NWA is we love our Lord, our families, our Country, and.....of course, our Jeeps. We provide ample opportunities for our members to participate in a variety of events and activities. The club goes on offroad adventures, attends block parties, has special cruises, club rides, dine-out experiences, and meet-n-greets. Whether you want to Rock Crawl, Mall Crawl, or just cruise around on our Facebook page All Jeeples are welcome!!
- The membership year begins on June 1 and ends on May 31.
- To be a member you must own, drive or be in the process of purchasing a Jeep Wrangler.
- The membership is per Jeep and not per person.
- Every year you must complete a membership application online on the website to gain membership or regain admittance to the club.
- Membership dues are $30.00 per year. Dues are not prorated or refunded for any reason.
- If your family has more than one Jeep, dues are $30.00 for the first jeep and $20.00 for the second, third, and/or fourth Jeep per year.
- NWA badge for your Jeep.
- Participation in member-only events.
- Jeep Offroad 101 Class for members only.
- NWA is a non-discrimination organization that does not exclude people based upon sexual orientation, gender orientation, religious affiliation, national origin, disability, veteran status, or any other status protected by the laws of the United States of America and the State of Louisiana. The club is committed to treating everyone fairly, with dignity and respect. If a member believes he or she has witnessed any type of discrimination or harassment, they should report it to a member of the leadership team immediately.
- Do not bash anyone, their Jeep, or other clubs. Be courteous to all Jeeples and clubs.
- Healthy debates are ok but kindness is required. If there is a private issue then use Messenger on Facebook and do not post it on the club page. Bullying, hate speech, and degrading comments will not be tolerated.
- No political posts on any NWA Facebook page. Do not make any posts about political views even if it includes Jeeps.
- Refrain from using profanity online and in-person as this is a family club.
- If you see something then say something. We cannot help if we are not aware of any issues.
- The use of alcohol while driving is strictly prohibited as per state law. If these violations occur during a club event and/or meeting, the member will be asked to stop participating in the event. The use of illegal substances is strictly prohibited as per federal and state law. If there is a member in violation of this clause, the leadership reserves the right to remove the member from the club.
- Our club believes in the rights of the 2nd Amendment. We believe it is your right as an American Citizen to carry a firearm on your person or in your jeep as per federal and local state laws. You carry at your own liability.
- NWA communicates exclusively through Facebook. The club does not send first-class or electronic mail at all.
- The leadership team will consist of 12-14 members each year.
- Mike and Jessica Cangelosi will select membership committee members based on the needs of the club.
- Leadership members are required to organize all club events.
- Volunteer at all fundraising/charity events.
- Review the calendar each year to determine the next year of events.
- Lead Offroad Teams.
- Teach the Jeep Offroad 101 members-only classes.
- Design, order and sell merchandise for the club.
- Complete all accounting required for the club.
- Spearhead conflict resolution.
- If someone has broken the rules or by-laws of NWA they will be subject to review by the leadership team for removal.
- If a conflict is brought to the attention of the leadership team it will be investigated thoroughly and then will be subject to the leadership team for appropriate discipline which may include removal from the club and/or legal action.
- If the club attorney is required to be involved due to a member’s illegal and/or potentially illegal activity the club reserves the right to charge that member for the legal fees incurred. All action to be taken due to a conflict will be approved by a majority vote of the leadership team.
- Each month there is a meeting held in a different location on the Northshore.
- The first meeting of the year is always held in June.
- At the meeting in June, the club budget and accounting are available for members to view in person.
- The accounting is also published twice a year on the Facebook page.
- Must attend a Jeep Offroad 101 class before attending an offroad event.
- Must attend the mandatory meeting before the trip.
- Members are responsible for their families and any guests when participating in these adventures.
- Drivers of Jeeps must have a valid United States driver’s license and insurance.
- NWA is not responsible for loss, theft, or damage to any vehicle at any event. All personal items/property are the owner’s responsibility.
- All members will sign a liability waiver before attending an offroad club trip.
- It is mandatory that Jeeps are equipped with a fire extinguisher, first aid kit, and communication device.
- In addition to the items listed in number 1, members must meet the requirements as per the safety list published on the offroad event Facebook page.
- Alcohol consumption is not permitted if you are driving on an offroad trail during a sponsored club event.
- The leadership team will select two to three charities a year to raise money for and host events.
- Members may petition through a leadership team member if they would like to nominate a charity to be considered for the following year.
- If you are a sponsor at a fundraising event or a business partner to the club there will be additional agreements and duties required. This information will be supplied when there is a business membership.
These bylaws are amended by a majority vote of the leadership team. New Amendments will be published on the Facebook page.
In the event of a legal dispute between any member and NWA, all parties consent to mediation or binding arbitration. The mediation or arbitration will be held in the Parish of St. Tammany, State of Louisiana. All issues shall be governed by the laws of the State of Louisiana.